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As part of its mission, the EFSD is committed to promoting sustainable knowledge and understanding of the challenges and opportunities related to sustainable development.

Sustainability in knowledge refers to the idea of preserving and promoting knowledge and understanding that is essential for the long-term well-being of people and the planet. This includes knowledge about natural systems, social and economic systems, and the relationships between these systems, as well as knowledge about the impacts of human activities on these systems and the ways in which we can manage these impacts in a sustainable manner.

Ensuring sustainability in knowledge requires efforts to preserve and maintain existing knowledge, as well as efforts to promote the development and dissemination of new knowledge. This can include efforts to protect and preserve traditional knowledge and cultural practices, as well as efforts to support scientific research and innovation. It also requires efforts to ensure that knowledge is accessible and available to all, including those who may not have traditional access to education and other resources.

In addition to preserving and promoting knowledge, sustainability in knowledge also requires efforts to ensure that this knowledge is used in a responsible and ethical manner. This includes considering the potential impacts of our actions and decision-making on future generations, as well as ensuring that knowledge is used in a way that is equitable and respects the rights and interests of all stakeholders.

We at EFSD believe that sustainability in knowledge is essential for ensuring that we have the information and understanding we need to make informed decisions and take action to promote sustainable development and address global challenges related to economic, social, and environmental issues.